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tommahhh 05-16-2005 10:45 AM

avatar.Person documentation

I was wondering where I could find documentation about avatar.Person, especially about lipflapping and head tracking playback.



farshizzo 05-16-2005 10:49 AM

Hi Tom,

I just sent you a private message regarding this.

vadrian 05-16-2005 03:18 PM

this might be related to my project. I am trying to make a "person" class which inherits from vizAvatar. I want it to have the same functionality, but add some extra animations (which is addressed in another thread). what is this avatar.Person class? is it built into vizard already? if I have headtracking data which i want to feed into an avatar (ala replay) how would you suggest doing this? (create a CAF, use timers, etc)

Is there a way to incorporate my animations with the built-in ones? like, if i have a head nodding animation (just a text file with xyz tracking) can i make it work with the walking/sitting animations/states?

farshizzo 05-16-2005 03:33 PM


The Avatar.Person class is part of the older style avatars, it problably doesn't have any use for you.

It should be pretty simple to feed headtracking data into an avatar. This method should work in conjuction with built-in animations.

avatar = viz.add('avatar.cfg')

head = avatar.getbone('skel_Head')

#Lock the head bone so that we can manually control it

def mytimer(num):
    #Apply some rotation to the head

Let me know if you need anymore help with this

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