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vjosh 05-08-2005 08:20 PM

Phantom Device Getting Stuck

I'm having trouble using the hd module with the Phantom Omni device to touch high-resolution faces. The Phantom device is prone to getting stuck in certain areas near the corners of the lips on the faces. By "stuck" I mean the device is locked in one particular location in space and can't be moved out of it. The faces were made using 3DMeNow and PeopleMaker and then converted to the .vzf format. One of my coworkers noticed that the polygons near the lips are particularly "thin." Any idea what the problem could be?


farshizzo 05-09-2005 11:16 AM


The haptic device is probably slipping through the gap in the lips and is then getting stuck inside the mouth. If it is not too difficult, you should create a low-poly version of your face for haptic rendering, but still use the high poly version for graphic rendering. On the low poly version you could remove the mouth geomtry which should get rid of the problem you are seeing. Other than that I don't know what else you can do. The OpenHaptics library does not seem to handle complex meshes very well.

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