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Philippe 09-21-2010 11:53 AM

limiting object rotation

Is there a method enabling to limit the range of rotation of a tracking device (Euler) relatively to the orientation of another tracking device (in my case, I have a gun which orientation's follows the glove position, and I would like to limit the orientation of the gun so that it cannot point backwards but only forwards - i.e. limiting the yaw of the gun to a range from -90 degrees to +90 degrees relatively to the current direction of the HMD).

Is there a simple way to do this?
In order words, I would like not to enable the gun to point backwards (this is some workaround solution: due to some tracking issues, it happens that the gun suddenly "flips back" and stays pointing backwards even when the glove stays more or less in the north direction ; I would like to have the glove never identified as pointing south).


Chapre 09-21-2010 02:30 PM

You could reset the yaw to 90 degrees or -90 degrees everytime the gun try to go beyond the limit.
if 90 < rho[0] < 180:
---> rho[0]=90
elif -180 < rho[0] < -90:
---> rho[0]=-90

Philippe 10-07-2010 12:40 PM

Thanks a lot !

Philippe 10-07-2010 12:51 PM

But where should I put such a code in the viztracker file? I would like to have this check permanently running - should I put it in the _addTracker() method ?

Philippe 10-07-2010 01:07 PM

Actually, I think that the best way is to use:

def udpateGunPosition():
(the code)

and then use


in the main program.
This should do the job, right?

masaki 10-07-2010 04:31 PM


Can you attach your script and I can take a look.


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