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Chapre 09-14-2010 09:09 AM

inplementing an Incline
Hello everyone!
I want to add an incline (20 degrees) on my world, every object moving up the incline should face some gravity force as well.
Could someone help me how to go around this please!

Jeff 09-14-2010 01:56 PM

Take a look at the Vizard physics documentation. Objects that have collision shapes will react to gravity once the physics engine is enabled.

Chapre 09-14-2010 02:50 PM

Thank for the reply, the real problen in fact that I have is to add a 10 degrees incline terrain (slode) to my world, I already have a ground (at 0 degree) set as my collideplane.

Gladsomebeast 09-15-2010 11:29 AM

perhaps using a collideMesh call on your tilted world model will do the trick. If so remove the collidePlane call.

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