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tsgk 09-11-2010 04:01 AM

Polygon angles

I was wondering if there is a way of creating on-the-fly polygons with some of the angles greater than 180 degrees. The description of viz.POLYGON is: "Creates a polygon. Each vertex provides a point for the polygon. Each of the inside angles created by linking the vertices must be acute."

Surely there must be a way of creating concave on-the-fly objects!

Thanks in advance,


Jeff 09-16-2010 03:49 PM

Does using viz.LINE_STRIP work for the shape you want to create?

nige777 10-21-2010 05:06 AM

Hi Jeff,

I too am trying to create concave polygons on-the-fly and am wondering how viz.LINE_STRIP can help me? I see that I can create a concave wireframe shape but am wondering how that can be "filled in" to form a poly??

tsgk 10-21-2010 11:59 PM


I could use the line strip, but that left me with only the perimeter of the shape I wanted. Now I am creating the opposite shape of what I want with viz.Polygon and then use the negative space for the shape I want. Also, I have used viz.QUADS to create a shapes which viz.polygon won't let you create because of concave angles.

Hope that helped!

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