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Johannes 01-24-2005 08:24 AM

texture scaling

attaching a measuring-tape-texture to a box looks blurry in vizard.

I attached it as a texture in 3D Studio Maxx - and it looks fine there.

Importing it as a wrl-File into vizard it looks kind of blurry - not as sharp as in the rendering of 3D Studio Max.

Vizard reports at the beginning:
Scaling image '../resources/joNew/050121_AritrackLayers1Red_0_200CroppedScaled.jpg' from (27880,878) to (2048,1024)

Any ideas how to improve sharpness in vizard?


farshizzo 01-24-2005 12:42 PM


The texture is being scaled for two reasons.

1) OpenGL requires that the width and height of a texture be a power of two.

2) The size of the texture is larger than the maximum texture size allowed by your graphics card (usually 2048 or 4096)

If you want to use a very large texture the best thing to do is split it up into smaller textures and tile the textures on your object.

Johannes 01-25-2005 09:19 AM

Thank you very much, this helped.

Only if it takes very short time: Can you post a link where I could have found that, if I would have not had your help? (Like good Information to texture or openGL constraints). If you don't have it close buy I can try to find something myself, so not really necessary.

farshizzo 01-25-2005 10:28 AM


Here's a link to the OpenGL "Red Book". It is pretty much the official guide.

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