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sl0bz 08-26-2009 07:03 AM

Viewpoint Compass

I am creating an application that has a pretty large CAD model and when the users are navigating through the model there have been complaints that they are losing track of where they are in the model. I want to create a "you-are-here" type window that the user can pop up on the screen.

I have been experimenting with addWindow() and addView() to get a top down view of the environment. I would like to be able to insert an arrow over this window that follows the position and orientation of the main viewpoint. Is this possible?



farshizzo 08-28-2009 03:06 PM

Here is a sample script that shows how to overlay objects on a sub-window:

import viz
import vizact

#Add the room and arrow
room = viz.add('gallery.ive')

# Create a new window in the upper left corner
UpperLeftWindow = viz.addWindow(pos=(0,1.0),size=(0.2,0.2))

# Create a new viewpoint
BirdView = viz.addView()

#Attach the bird's eye view to the upper left window

#Move the view above the center of the room

#Rotate the view so that it looks down

#Overlay arrow on sub window (20x20 pixels)
arrow = viz.addTexQuad(parent=viz.ORTHO,scene=UpperLeftWindow,size=20)

def UpdateArrow():
        #Get the current head orientation and position
        yaw,pitch,roll = viz.MainView.getEuler()
        pos = viz.MainView.getPosition()
        # Place arrow on top of viewpoint
        x,y,z = UpperLeftWindow.worldToScreen(pos,mode=viz.WINDOW_PIXELS)
        # Rotate arrow to match yaw rotation

sl0bz 09-02-2009 12:27 PM

That worked well for me, thanks for your help!

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