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vjosh 09-21-2004 04:11 PM

Including Files that Include Other Files
I'm trying to include some .vzf files (faces) that are in separate folders within the local directory of my Vizard script. Using "/[foldername]/[filename].vzf" successfully includes the .vzf file, but the .vzf file includes a texture file within the same folder as the .vzf file that Vizard fails to find. I could always move those texture files to the same directory as the Vizard script, but unfortunately they all have the same name... Is there any easy way around this?


farshizzo 09-21-2004 04:44 PM

Hi Josh,

This is a bug that will be fixed in the next release. In the meantime, you can do one of two things. You can put the textures in the local directory of the script. In your case you would have to give each texture a unique name and update the vzf file so that it references the new filename. You can open the vzf file with any text editor (just drag the file into Vizard) and manually edit the name of each texture and save the file.

The second option is to open the vzf file and add the directory name in front of the texture name.

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