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nlfrnassimi 03-10-2009 08:51 PM

view problem
I have imported an avatar and applied a keyboard key to animate it. my problem is that I want to make my view as first person point of view. I've also been able to connect my view to the avatar but the problem is I can see the avatar's head, I want my camera to be beside him moving with him.
Please help.

This is my code:

import viz



character = viz.add('vcc_male.cfg') # Add a CAL3D based avatar
character.state(1) # Activate the walking state

def characterWalk (key):
if key == viz.KEY_KP_RIGHT:
walk = vizact.walkTo([5,0,0],1)

viz.callback(viz.KEYBOARD_EVENT, characterWalk)

viewLink = character, viz.MainView, enabled = True )

nlfrnassimi 03-10-2009 09:24 PM

I have fixed this problem but now I have another problem. I want to press a certain key and be able to look left and right without moving. I was able to do it with view but now that my view is linked to the character I can't move it. Please help me!!

Jeff 03-11-2009 02:36 PM

You can set the mask of the link so it only affects the position of the destination object, then you'll still be able to change the viewpoint orientation

viewLink =,viz.MainView,mask=viz.LINK_POS)
In the future please use the code tags when you post code to preserve the indentation

nlfrnassimi 03-11-2009 08:33 PM

thanks and sorry for the codes.

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