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smith11235 01-22-2009 03:12 PM

network observation
I have questions on what vizard can automatically synchronize between two clients on a network.

If I have script A where a user is performing actions within a virtual world and interacting with objects in it, is there a way to allow an observer to watch the virtual world on a remote computer without having to manually send all the updated positions myself?

What I am trying to accomplish is a setup similar to the wizard from The Wizard of Oz where the main scene is taking place on one computer while an observer is watching the proceedings from another computer and occasionally sending world changing commands back to the main scene. If this is not possible then my question becomes: is there a way to, rather than transmitting the whole world, transmit just a camera view of the world that the observer can watch? If so then I will simply attach a camera to all the avatars so that the observer can switch between them to watch the interactions with the user.

Thank you all for your time.

farshizzo 01-24-2009 10:52 AM

Vizard's cluster feature allows you to automatically synchronize a simulation across multiple computers. If the only difference between the two computers is the viewpoint, then clustering should work fine. If you don't use clustering then you need to manually synchronize all the objects using the built-in network features.

Our documentation explains how to use both features. Let me know if you need any more help.

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