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digitaldarklord 09-15-2008 05:35 AM

64 bit tracker ?

I ve managed to buy a HMD and it works. But I have a major problem with a product called minuteman. This system is not compatible with 64 bit windows xp.

I need to track the HMD. Does anyone know a cheat and stable solution in combination with worldviz ?

Thanks in advance


farshizzo 09-15-2008 05:10 PM

You can connect the minuteman to a 32-bit windows machine and send the tracking data over the network to the 64-bit machine. It's the only work around I can think of.

digitaldarklord 10-01-2008 01:54 AM

;-) Tracking cheat

Just to know for sure if it works...

Could you help me with a snippet just to send the tracking data to the simulation computer ?

Just a snippet with the networking demo that works

#Add a room.
court = viz.add('court.ive')

#Add an avatar for your friend.
other = viz.add('vcc_male.cfg')

############# Add networking ####################
#Name your opponent.
OTHER_COMPUTER = 'vistameuk'

#Add a network for sending data to your other computer.
other_net = viz.addNetwork( OTHER_COMPUTER )

#Send mailox.
def send_box():
#Send the position of the
#cueball to the master.
pos = viz.MainView.getPosition()
ori = viz.MainView.getEuler()
other_net.send( other_pos = pos, other_ori = ori )
#Send the data to the master as frequently as possible.
vizact.ontimer(0, send_box )

#Add a network to listen to the data.
def onNetwork(e):
global current_animation
#This function will handle network
if e.sender == OTHER_COMPUTER:
#Set the position of the other in your world.
other.setPosition( e.other_pos )
other.setEuler( e.other_ori )
#other.state( e.current_animation )

def onKeyDown(key):
global current_animation
current_animation = eval( key )

So if you start the let's say tracker listener you need to invoke tracking on that machine and send the data to the mainview

While I am not just to send tracking data help would be nice


farshizzo 10-02-2008 10:36 AM

The script sending the data out should look something like this:

import viz

#Connect to tracker
tracker = ...

#Create network object for sending tracking data
network = viz.addNetwork('ComputerName')

#Setup timer to output send data every frame
def SendTrackingData():
        pos = tracker.getPosition()
        quat = tracker.getQuat()

Your simulation script should contain the following code for retrieving the data over the network:

import viz

#Create empty node that will contain remote tracker data
remoteTracker = viz.addGroup()

#Setup callback to handle network event
def onNetwork(e):

#Now use remoteTracker object like any other tracker,viz.MainView)

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