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arielasso 09-26-2007 01:07 AM

navigate the 3d environment by using 5dt glove
hi all,
any one can help me to find how can i navigate the 3d model by using 5dt glove.
i need to know...i want use vizard to complete this assignment.
i hope any one can help me....


farshizzo 09-26-2007 02:54 PM

I don't really understand exactly what you want. You can use the hand module to detect when the gesture of the 5dt glove changes. You can use different gestures to perform different navigations.

arielasso 09-26-2007 09:52 PM

i need to use the 5dt glove to navigate the 3d environment.can u give me the idea how can i do that?..can you give example of source code to make the 5dt glove can navigate the 3d environment...pls help me..
i need the idea...can i do that or not?

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