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michaelinTX 07-11-2007 05:37 AM

avatar mesh weighting?
Hi all, newbie here... does the Cal3D format carry mesh weight info along with the geometry/materials? What version of the exporter do I need for Max 9 (or XSI 5) and where do I find it? Are there any tutorials that describe the entire 3D Max -> Vizard pipeline for a complete character/soldier? fwiw, I'm tasked with generating a scenario that has a squad of soldiers walking a patrol down a city street. Thanks

farshizzo 07-11-2007 09:34 AM


Are you referring to skinning, where the mesh is weighted to a bone? You can find a Cal3D exporter for Max 9 on our downloads page. The following page has info about the Cal3D exporter, including a tutorial:

michaelinTX 07-11-2007 10:37 AM

Yep, I noticed that some of the examples (guy w/tophat and guy running around the room tutorial) are pretty rough (mesh not bending/folding with limb movement). Just wondered if the weighting info was included in the Cal3D format. Thanks for the tutorial link.

farshizzo 07-11-2007 01:11 PM

The Cal3D format supports vertex weighting. You have to specify the weighting using a modeling tool, like 3dsmax.

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