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visnova 06-14-2007 06:30 AM

cal3d exporter problem
ok iam having a major issue that i cant seem to resolve,,it seems that iam not alone ,there seems to be more imvu devs,with the same problem,,iam just hoping and praying to god that someone can help.,because ive tried everywhere for a solution and to no avail.

i have max 7 and 9 and with the cal exporting fine with both,except for one problem,,,,there is no .xpf export format in the exporter to export my morphs,,and i cant figure out why,,,,,ive seen a video tutorial on this using max 7 and sighted in the dropdown menu in the exporter,the .xpf format,,,,so please somebody help me find or tell me the solution as its stopping my advance with the developing on imvu...stumpped,with 1 hair left and ready for bungy without a cord...........thanks....shayne

farshizzo 06-15-2007 03:02 PM


I believe the person in the video is using some modified version of the Cal3D exporter. The version Vizard uses does not contain a xpf format. I checked the latest Cal3D version and it doesn't seem to contain an xpf format either. You might try asking the person who made the video about this.

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