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Steve_HT 03-06-2007 08:09 AM


I'm trying to use the Polhemus fastrak unit. I have the unit connected on COM1 and a cyberglove on COM2. 'Cyberglove.dls' seems to work fine, but 'fastrak.dls' is unable to connect to the device, even though it's clearly available and running in the Immersion software.

What am I missing here?

I've also tried "Patriot_HeadHand" with both the patriot plug-in and the fastrak plug-in with no luck.

farshizzo 03-06-2007 09:04 AM

Did you specify the port before adding the fastrak.dls sensor? Your code should look something like this:

fastrak = viz.add('fastrak.dls')

Steve_HT 03-06-2007 02:00 PM

That doesn't seem to help

farshizzo 03-06-2007 02:50 PM

Are you getting an error message? If so, can you please post it.

Steve_HT 03-07-2007 06:15 AM

The code:


glove = viz.add('cyberglove.dls')

polhemus = viz.add('fastrak.dls')

The Error:

************************************************** ****************************
** Loading
************************************************** ****************************
cyberglove.dls CyberGlove Driver v1.0
fastrak.dls Polhemus Fastrak v1.0
** ERROR: Failed to connect to Polhemus Fastrak

farshizzo 03-07-2007 09:55 AM

Is the unit set to communicate over serial at a baud rate of 115200? You can check by making sure switches 1, 2, 3, 5, and 8 are UP.

Steve_HT 03-07-2007 10:17 AM

Yep, they are set. As I said, it communicates just fine with the Immersion Technologies software. Is there perhaps a Polhemus driver that I'm missing, or something like that?

farshizzo 03-07-2007 10:42 AM

If you are connecting the Fastrak over USB, then you do need to install a driver. But, as far as I remember, you don't need any additional drivers when connecting over serial.

You mentioned that the Fastrak communicates fine with the Immersion software. Did you mean that it communicates fine with the Polhemus software? The CyberGlove is an Immersion product, not the Fastrak.

Steve_HT 03-07-2007 11:58 AM

Yeah, I uploaded new Polhemus firmware onto the Fastrak, but otherwise have not been using any Polhemus at all. My communications are through the standard serial port.

farshizzo 03-07-2007 12:34 PM

Sorry, I'm a little confused. Have you successfully communicated with the Fastrak using the software that came with it? There should be an application called FASTRAK GUI or FT GUI.

Steve_HT 03-07-2007 01:37 PM

We have never gotten the software delivered by Polhemus to work. All of our communications with the Fastrak have been through either Hyperterminal or Immersion Technologies' Device Control Unit.

farshizzo 03-07-2007 02:30 PM

I believe our fastrak plugin uses the same library to access the data as the FASTRAK GUI. Have you contacted Polhemus about this problem? I'm afraid there is not much more I can do. One option might be to use the VRPN plugin to access the Fastrak. I've never tried it myself, but VRPN claims it supports the Fastrak.

Steve_HT 03-07-2007 02:56 PM

Okay, thanks

Steve_HT 03-07-2007 11:31 PM

Okay, I have the Fastrak GUI up and running and talking to the box, and still getting the same response when I try to load the fastrak.dls:

cyberglove.dls CyberGlove Driver v1.0
fastrak.dls Polhemus Fastrak v1.0
** ERROR: Failed to connect to Polhemus Fastrak
Loading File: hand.cfg
** Load Time: 2.03 seconds

farshizzo 03-08-2007 09:23 AM

That's good you got it working with the GUI. What was the solution to that? I've made some small modifications to our fastrak sensor so it prints out a more useful error message. Email me at and I will send you this new version. Hopefully this will help us track down the root of the problem.

Steve_HT 03-08-2007 09:59 AM

i'm not sure. Perhaps a new computer. I installed the software and it started running right away.

I've sent you an email.

acidkore 07-19-2007 06:04 PM

What advice would you give to someone who is trying to use the the fastrak dls over a USB connection? FTgui works just fine, but with the following code:

polhemus = viz.add('fastrak.dls')

one of two things happen. Either the boring error message:
fastrak.dls Polhemus Fastrak v1.0
** ERROR: Failed to connect to Polhemus Fastrak over USB or COM1

Or the program simply exits instantly after opening a new window and giving the following output:
fastrak.dls Polhemus Fastrak v1.0
** NOTIFY: Connected to Fastrak over USB Connection
2 station(s) detected

Which to me seems like its working? This also happens on the testPolhemus script. I get the same results whether or not I include the "PORT_FASTRAK = 1" option or any variation thereof. How should I go about making this work?

farshizzo 07-20-2007 09:51 AM


When we tested the Fastrak here we noticed that the USB drivers were very unstable. We reported these problems to Polhemus and they seem to have fixed it. Do you have the latest USB drivers? Also, are you using the fastrak.dls that comes with the latest version of Vizard (3.00.2007) ?

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