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hotshotiguana 03-23-2012 08:01 AM

Publish to exe Script
I am trying to create new versions of my software on the fly - currently the software is only available on the desktop. For example, I want to have the capability for a user to select certain parameters on our website and then have a new version created for them with those specified parameters. Is it possible to run the "File-->Publish as EXE" command from a script to create a new executable of our software? If not, does anyone have any suggestions on how to go about this?


farshizzo 03-23-2012 10:41 AM

Yes, this should be possible. Here are the steps you need to follow:
  • Go through the standard "Publish to EXE" workflow.
  • On the "Finished Publishing" dialog at the end, save the publish settings by clicking on the "click here" link. This should save the publish settings file to your script folder.
  • You can now automatically generate the exe using the settings file through the following command line:

    Vizard.exe -publish ""
    This should create an exe in the same folder as the settings file with the same filename. For example, if your settings file was located at "C:\MyScript\MyDemo.xml", the EXE would be located at "C:\MyScript\MyDemo.exe".

hotshotiguana 03-26-2012 12:54 PM

Thanks for the response!

Adam.Grey 01-29-2013 12:00 PM

I attempted to use vizard.exe -publish, and it just launches vizard. Has this feature been removed?

Jeff 01-29-2013 02:42 PM

Try specifying the path to the vizard.exe in the bin folder:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\WorldViz\Vizard4\bin\vizard.exe" -publish "C:\MyScript\MyDemo.xml"

Adam.Grey 01-31-2013 01:30 PM

Gave that a shot, no luck. If it finds the file and begins publishing but runs into an error, will it report back in any way? Should I reroute stderr?

Jeff 01-31-2013 05:08 PM

When you publish the first time from the Vizard GUI is there any problem?

meltaweel 12-22-2015 10:34 AM

Hello ,
it's an old topic , but i have the same problem as Adam.

i'm using Vizard 5 and i tried to do this as explained above

"C:\Program Files (x86)\WorldViz\Vizard5\bin\vizard.exe" -publish "C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\SETTINGS_FILE.xml”

it doesn't show up with any thing and the exe file doesn't be generated beside the XML file as Jeff said.

and yes when i have published first time from Vizard GUI , it published the exe without any problems and was working fine. and i've used the "publish settings" XML file from the "Finished Building" step.

and i have ensured that the bin file path working fine because when i run
"C:\Program Files (x86)\WorldViz\Vizard5\bin\vizard.exe" this it opens the Vizard IDE successfully !

please help !

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