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Feuereissen 03-28-2010 11:41 PM

Displaying jpgs in Vizard
Hi everybody,

I am trying to display an jpg file (3968x2048) in vizard and am using a display with 2560x1600 and I still need to scale down the images tho its native resolution. I was playing around with mapping the jpg as a texture on a model but the image appears to be stretched along the y axis and the resolution looks poor. Vizard seems to scale down the image which I don't want. The main concern is the time it takes vizard to load this 3.x MB jpg file. Is there a way to
1) make vizard display the image faster
2) do so without changing the image aspect ratio/quality?
Maybe there is a way around the whole texture mapping thing...
Any insight is greatly appreciated:)

Thanks to all of you,


dwaik 03-29-2010 01:38 AM

if you want it as a texture on geometry plane, you need to set your plane scale top match the texture aspect ratio, like if you have an image with aspect ratio of 16:9, you need to scale your plane so it matches 16:9, and if you need it to run faster and still can display it on you monitor you can scale the image using photoshop and make sure that "constrain proportion" is checked, so you can scale it in your case to 2560x1321....
hope that helps

VelvetElvis 03-29-2010 06:40 AM

Are you exporting the model? The OSG export, on anything other than image data format, compresses the snot out of your texture giving you undesirable artifacts. In fact, it's like using a early 1980's game engine with a 16 color limitation imposed on it.

Vizard, from my experience, will always try to force a 1:1 aspect ratio for your image. It will always try to match the x with the y. You usually want to keep all of your textures at 1:1, such as 512x512 or 1024x1024 before even attempting to load them into Vizard.

The loading speed is probably just one of the many things that need to be updated in the next release of this product. Granted you are using a 3mb jpeg, but it still should load fairly quickly.

Feuereissen 04-04-2010 09:35 PM

displaying JPG in Vizard
Thanks everyone!
I am still trying to solve the problem since I need to display the pictures in that particular aspect ratio which works when I change the model accordingly. The only thing I am trying is to get Vizard to display a fullscreen image (jpg) thats all. I am not using a 3D environment and would be happy to make due without all the 3D stuff (models, textures, etc.) and was wondering if there is a way to just display a fullscreen jpg. I have scaled down the jpg and it is showing them slightly faster.



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