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Moh200jo 06-22-2009 12:14 PM

Qudra FX570 garphic card
I am using Qudra FX570 garphic card, can any body advice me how can I use it with sterero system.
I have to install OpenGL stereo but I am unable to install this, can anybody just give me this.

hosier 06-23-2009 12:40 PM

What type of stereo are you trying to do? That will determine how you setup the card.

If you're using active stereo with shutter glasses or a HMD that supports active stereo, which is what you are usually talking about when you say OpenGL stereo (alternating between the left eye frame and right eye frame), then the configuration is performed within the NVidia control panel.

In the latest version of the NVidia control panel there is a "Manage 3D settings" task. On the right you'll see Global settings and Program settings tabs. Select the Global Settings
tab, then in the drop down list called Global presets, select the Base profile option.

If you scroll down the settings list, you'll find the Stereo - Enable option. Set this to On.

You'll also have to set the Stereo - Display mode option to match how your running your active stereo.

For example, if you're using shutter glasses with an IR transmitter that's plugged into the 3pin DIN connector on the video card, that's the option you'd select.

HMDs that take frame sequential active stereo typically sync to the frame changes and you don't have to worry about the settings.

Hope this helps.


Moh200jo 06-23-2009 12:52 PM

Thanks for this. I am trying to use this with a passive projection system (2 projectors and polarizing filters). I have done what you explained , but I am not sure whether the problem of my system from the graphic card or from the alignment.
how can I test the graphic card splits the image for right and left proper?

hosier 06-23-2009 03:01 PM

Ok. For the passive stereo setup, WorldViz actually has instructions in their knowledge base site for this type of setup. The direct link to that is:

What this setup does is set your card into horizontal span mode where it looks like one large display with twice the width you'd normally have. Half of that wide screen will be on the first projector, and half will be on the second projector.

Then, when you start your vizard program with the viz.STEREO and viz.FULLSCREEN options, it creates the left and right images side by side, taking up the entire width of this wide screen.

This layout will make it so the left eye will go to your first projector, and the right to the second one. With your polarizing filters in place on the projectors and wearing your polarized glasses, each eye will now get its own version of the image.


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