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aaaa 11-05-2014 05:00 PM

how to draw 2D figure , for example a circle, in the screen, no the in 3D screen
How to draw a figure, for example a circle or a line, in the screen, not in the 3D screen.?

Jeff 11-05-2014 05:20 PM

Here's a simple example that draws a circle to the ortho layer:


import viz
import vizshape


circle = vizshape.addCircle(parent=viz.ORTHO)

aaaa 11-06-2014 07:01 PM

Thank you for solve my porblem.

aaaa 11-06-2014 07:04 PM

The Vizard 4.0 Documentation has no introduction of the function of 'vizshape.addCircle', how could I find these functions? Is there other document I can refer to?

Jeff 11-07-2014 03:11 PM

Thanks for mentioning that, we need to update the vizshape docs. You'll find most of the commands documented there.

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