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shivanangel 03-14-2008 08:35 AM

Sensor callback to the wii mote buttons
I read over the tutorial script and I created two callbacks for a sensor up and sensor down event.

The tutorial uses vizact commands,
I am not so much a fan of these and I was wondering if I can do button checking the 'classic' way:

if b = wii.BUTTON_A:

How do I go about doing this? I'm not sure what kind of object is being returned in the callback functions.


farshizzo 03-14-2008 09:25 AM

The Event Reference section of the docs explains how to use viz.SENSOR_DOWN_EVENT and viz.SENSOR_UP_EVENT. These will be triggered when a sensor button is pressed/released.

shivanangel 03-14-2008 09:41 AM


I have taken a look at this section and it does cover how the sensor_down and up event work.

However, in the example given it maps a button from a joystick to a variable and then checks if that is the object in question.

With the wiimote, you have a section in the reference which specifies

when setting up my conditional statement what do I put in there to check the event.

I looked and saw that an event is being returned as 'e' in the callback, then when I did e.object, it told me : __main__._WiimoteSensor(0)

So it is returning a WiimoteSensor, however how do I access what button from the sensor is being pressed? All buttons return the same __main__._WiimoteSensor(0) for the sensor, so I need to go a level deeper to do my check. How do I do this?

Thank You,


shivanangel 03-14-2008 09:45 AM

Wow, I'm sorry I'm a complete and total idiot.

The answer is right there in the DOC staring me in the face.

I think I've been at a computer for too long.

Thanks again!


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