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pattie 10-02-2006 04:26 PM

Vizard and Networking
Soryy if this is considered a stupid question. I am trying to run the example on my network at home.
I am using 2 computers with the Beta2 version of Vizard installed on each of them.
When it asks for the machines names I enter them and it seems to connect correctly to those machines (each running windows XP Home).
I disabled every firewall or what I consider might be a source of problem.
So far, I have not been able to see the ducks move in the labyrinth.

Am I missing something?


Gladsomebeast 10-02-2006 05:28 PM

Try entering the computers IP addresses. Also, you can try and verify that any messages are coming in by puting a print statment in the network message callback.

pattie 10-03-2006 11:52 AM

Vizard and networking
I already tried for the ip addresses as well as printing what is supposed to be received on each side. Nothing is arriving on either side. I will keep on searching. Any idea welcome.


pattie 10-03-2006 03:51 PM

Vizard and Networking
I have tried using the 2.50b lite Vizard edition on both machines, and everything is working beautifully.

When I use the 2.50b lite version on one machine, and the 3.00.1626 beta2 version on the other machine, here is what happens:
- If I move in the 3.00 version, the duck does move in the 2.50b version, which means that the 2.50b version receives the messages from the 3.00version.
- However, if I move in the 2.50b version, nothing happens in the 3.00 version. It seems like the 3.00 version does not receive the messages for some reason.

maybe this can help you figure out the problem.
Meanwhile, I keep on searching.


pattie 10-03-2006 04:15 PM

Vizard and Networking
I just realized that the function mynetwork in the program running on version 3.0 is never called when we move in the version 2.50b.

So it looks like the NETWORK_EVENT never happens on the version 3.00.

I have no clue why for the moment.


farshizzo 10-03-2006 04:35 PM


I am able to reproduce the problem here as well. It seems to be a bug with the latest BETA version of Vizard. I just fixed the problem and now the all the test cases run fine. In the meantime you can use mailbox objects, instead of network objects. Here is an example script:

import viz

mailbox = viz.add(viz.MAILBOX,viz.input('Enter computer name'))

def mymail(message):
        print message
def mykey(key):
        if key == ' ':


Gladsomebeast 10-04-2006 09:42 AM

Thanks for your help on this Patrick!

pattie 10-04-2006 04:49 PM

Vizard and networking
Thanks guys for reacting quickly!


pattie 10-05-2006 04:13 PM

Vizard and Networking
Ok, I have not been able to make the program (version beta2 to version beta2) work using a mailbox event instead of a network event. Again, the mailbox event never happens.
Below is the code I used. Did I forget something?

import viz
import vizinfo
vizinfo.add('This script demonstrates how to network an environment with another computer.\nEach computer is represented as a duck,and when you move\naround the other computer will see you move.')
TargetMailbox = viz.add(viz.MAILBOX,viz.input('Enter computer name or IP address of other machine'))
duck = viz.add('duck.wrl')
maze = viz.add('tankmaze.wrl')
def mytimer(num):
if num == BROADCAST:
#Retrieve my current orientation and position
yaw = viz.get(viz.HEAD_ORI);
pos = viz.get(viz.HEAD_POS);
#Convert message into string
message = str( [yaw[0], pos[0], pos[2]] )
print "in mytimer, message is: ",message
#Send the data to the target mailbox
def mymail(message):
print "in mymail, message is: ", message
l = list(message)
yaw = l[0]
x = l[1]
z = l[2]
duck.translate(x, 0, z)
duck.rotate(0, 1, 0, yaw+180)
viz.callback(viz.TIMER_EVENT, mytimer)
viz.starttimer(BROADCAST, 0.01, -1)

pattie 10-05-2006 04:23 PM

Vizard and Networking
I just realized that the indentation in the last message I posted on the forum concerning this problem was not correctly received by the forum software. I just wanted to let you guys know that the indentations inside my functions are correct. I have no error message whatsoever running the programs, just a MAILBOX_EVENT that never occurs.

I must have missed something, but I have been looking at the code for the last 24 hours, inserting print statements everywhere. Everything leads to the MAILBOX_EVENT never occuring.

Thanks for any hint

pattie 10-05-2006 04:45 PM

Vizard and Networking
I have one more question:

Is there an easy way to send an object like a wav file or an image through he network (it could make sense on a local network like gigabit Ethernet) ?


farshizzo 10-05-2006 06:15 PM

You can use the following when posting code in the forum to preserve indentation
HTML Code:

[code]... insert code here ...[/code]
I just tested out the mailbox functionality and it works fine here. Keep in mind that with mailboxes you need to use the exact name of the computer, NOT the IP address. You can use the following to double check that the name of each computer is correct

This will return the name of your computer. Make sure you are using this name when creating the mailbox on the other computer.

pattie 10-06-2006 08:17 AM

Vizard and Networking
Thanks Farshizzo.
I was indeed trying only using IP adresses.


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