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Brett Lindberg 06-01-2009 09:22 PM

Wide-angle view
Is there a smooth way in Vizard to generate a wide view FOV (say, greater than 180 degrees?)

I'm trying to "unwrap" a spherical panoramic view into a quad, but I can't get it right: if I set FOV greater than 90, it messes everything up. I've tried to get around this by compositing four 90-degree views, but there is significant distortion at the boundaries.

What I'd like is a wide, short view (say 4:1, across the top of the window), rendering the a 360 panorama of same scene as the normal main view.

Jeff 06-11-2009 12:30 PM

Have you gotten any further with this? I'll check with our dev team to see if they have some suggestions.

Brett Lindberg 07-15-2009 01:13 PM

Haven't gotten it to work yet: trying to make a bunch of very narrow views stuck close together, but this isn't that great a solution, because I want to be able to get coordinates.

farshizzo 07-15-2009 05:31 PM

You need to render multiple views to a texture and then render the textures to the screen using either an undistortion mesh or shader. There should be examples on the forum for rendering views to a texture.

Brett Lindberg 08-20-2009 09:05 PM

I hacked my way around and came up with this: draws 40 windows across the top of the window. I could render to texture, and make one window, but would that be a lot better?


import viz
import math

class PanoWindowGroup:
        def __init__(self, SubWins=40, windowHeight=0.3, vertFOV=90):

                self.numSubWins = SubWins
                self.winHeight = windowHeight
                self.winFOV = 360.0/self.numSubWins
                self.sizeRat = 1.0/self.numSubWins
                self.size = (self.sizeRat, self.winHeight)
                self.subWinArr = []

#experimentally derived sub-window FOV ratio:               
#                self.subWinFOVrat =  4.3015/(pow(self.numSubWins,1.113))
                for i in range(self.numSubWins):
                        scrPos = ((i*self.sizeRat),1.0)
                        direction = i*self.winFOV-60.0
                        print "Direction= ", direction
                        subWin = PanoSubWindow(scrPos, self.size, direction, self.winFOV, self.vFOV, self.subWinFOVrat )

class PanoSubWindow:

        def __init__(self, scrPos, sizer, direction, winFOV, vFOV, sWFR, viewPos=[0,0,0]):       
                print "Inputs: ", "scrPos= ", scrPos, " sizer= ", sizer, "direction= ",direction, "winFOV= ", winFOV, "vFOV= ", vFOV
                self.vFOV = vFOV
                self.size = sizer
                self.subwindow = viz.addWindow(pos=scrPos, size=sizer)
                self.subwindow.visible(0, viz.SCREEN)
                self.subWinFOVrat = sWFR

                self.subview = viz.addView()


#                self.subwindow.fov(self.vFOV, self.subWinFOVrat)
                self.subwindow.fov(self.vFOV, 0.075)

Brett Lindberg 08-29-2009 01:14 PM

Take 3: how do I render multiple views to one texture?
There's only one example on the forums:, but that's only for one view.

farshizzo 09-03-2009 06:05 PM

For each view, you would create a separate render node and render texture. You would then apply all the render textures from each view to a separate texture unit of a quad. Finally, you would apply a fragment shader on the quad that performs the undistortion using the different textures. I can provide some sample code that sets this up if you like, but you would still need to come up with your own shader code that performs the undistortion.

Brett Lindberg 09-03-2009 07:25 PM

A sample to get started would be great: the shader stuff should be doable.

farshizzo 09-04-2009 04:57 PM

Here is a sample script. The shader simply averages the image from each pass, you will need to replace that with your own shader code.

import viz

FRAG = """
uniform sampler2D Pass1;
uniform sampler2D Pass2;
uniform sampler2D Pass3;
uniform sampler2D Pass4;

void main()
        vec4 p1 = texture2D(Pass1, gl_TexCoord[0].xy);
        vec4 p2 = texture2D(Pass2, gl_TexCoord[0].xy);
        vec4 p3 = texture2D(Pass3, gl_TexCoord[0].xy);
        vec4 p4 = texture2D(Pass4, gl_TexCoord[0].xy);
        //TODO: Combine texture from each pass
        gl_FragColor = (p1+p2+p3+p4) * 0.25;

def CreateRenderPasses():
        renderPass = []
        uniforms = []
        #Create post render pass that combines all passes
        postRenderPass = viz.addRenderNode()
        #Create each pass
        for x in range(4):
                #Create render texture
                renderTexture = viz.addRenderTexture()
                #Apply to post render pass
                #Create uniform for texture unit
                #Create render node to render texture
                renderNode = viz.addRenderNode()
        #Apply shader
        shader = viz.addShader(frag=FRAG,uniforms=uniforms)

        #Set rotation offset of each render pass


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