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alaa 09-01-2005 06:26 PM

sound problem
I'm having a sound problem. I have a class that plays a sound when I call a fucnction in that class. and also I have a sound that is always looping from the begining of the program (in the main program that is calling the class). Also i have another sound in there that playes once sometimes. The problem is that when I loop the sound from the class then I play the sound in the main program, the loop in the class stops. Here is a small part of the program explaining what i mean:
class Avatar(viz.EventClass):

#in main program
avatar = Avatar(...)
bell = viz.add(...)
viz.playsound('audio/wind.wav', viz.LOOP) #this works fine all the time
avatar.playSound() #works fine till the next sound plays
.... #now this plays and stops the other one
I don't know if the problem is that the main program has a priorty for the sound, or is it that I'm doing something wrong.

I have another question, I keep getting "Interlace" in the output screen in vizard. What does it mean.

Thank you,
Alaa Gharbawi

farshizzo 09-01-2005 07:16 PM


I can't replicate your problem here. I created a script that loops a sound on an object and also plays another sound and it worked fine. Would you mind posting a very short example that produces this problem?

Also, is there anything else being printed in the output other than "Interlace"?

alaa 09-01-2005 07:47 PM

The program is big. and I'm trying to riplicate but i can't. One more thing. The bell sound is called from a director after waiting for an amount of time, would that has to do with the problem.

I only get "interlace" several times.

alaa 09-01-2005 07:51 PM

Hi again,
Also I forgot to mension. When the sound in the class is loaded i get this msg in the output:
** NOTIFY: 3D sound engine loaded: DirectX

Thank you,

alaa 09-01-2005 11:15 PM

Hi again,

What things could cause the sound to stop?

Thank you,

farshizzo 09-02-2005 10:31 AM


How many sounds are you playing at the same time?

alaa 09-02-2005 01:00 PM

At elast three sounds at a time. I tried replicating the problem, but it seems that the director doesn't have to do with the problem. In what ways can you stop a looping sound?Is there in vizard maybe I'm using that might interfere with sound?

Thank you,

farshizzo 09-02-2005 01:13 PM


Here are the following ways to stop a looping sound, depending on how you played them:

sound = viz.add('sound.wav')

I'm not aware of anything else that would stop a sound unless there is a bug. But I would need to replicate the problem before I could fix it.

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