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bstankie 03-24-2003 09:55 AM

Inertia Cube
I am using the PPT system with Vizard and the Intersense Inertia cube. I am having some troubles with Vizard and the Inertia cube. Sometimes Vizard does not seem to "attach" to the Inertia cube initially. Also, sometimes when I re-run a script within Vizard, the cube's signal is lost.

When this happens I typically check whether the Intersense software is still receiving a signal and it is.

When this happens I have to restart the computer to get it to recognize the cube. Is there something else that I can do?

Brian Stankiewicz

farshizzo 03-24-2003 11:00 AM

Hi Brian,

Are you running the Intersense software while running the Vizard script? You need to disable all Intersense software when using the InertiaCube with Vizard. Also, intersense automatically runs a program called "IServer" when your computer starts. This has been known to interfere with Vizard. If IServer is running on your computer then there will be a small blue icon in the lower right corner of the screen. To stop it, just right click on it and disable it. I hope this solves your problem.

-- Farshid

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