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chris2307 10-01-2014 06:34 AM

Severe Tearing
I'm getting quite bad tearing in my Vizard application. The tearing is quite noticeable and this is not good considering I need to run a visual cognition experiment.

I've read that v-sync is turned on by default, although I explicitly made sure that v-sync was turned on by calling viz.vsync(viz.ON) at the start of my script.

I am using an AMD Radeon HD 7900 graphics card and the drivers are updated. Windows 7 64 bit is the operating system. I've also tested the application with Aero disabled (I've known Aero to cause graphics farts in the past).

I've also tested with this line: viz.setOption('viz.glFinish',1) which is not really ideal but still makes no difference. (I have since taken this out)

I'm getting around 150fps. Considering that the screen is running at 60Hz (Maximum rate available), I thought that this could be an issue. I limited the frame rate in Vizard to be capped at 60fps. It now sits at a pretty constant 59.8fps. This has significantly reduced the amount of tearing I was originally seeing but I still see tearing along one thin strip, usually close to the bottom of the screen. This strip will move up and down to different locations, randomly, as I rotate the camera but the tearing never breaks out of this strip.

So, in short, I've managed to go from sporadic tearing across all aspects of the screen to consistent tearing affecting only one horizontal area of the screen at a time. Could anyone advise me on something else to try? I feel like I've exhausted all options.

I can provide a video or screenshot but am hoping that I was descriptive enough here :)

chris2307 10-01-2014 08:18 AM

Okay so I've sorted this issue out now and it was an embarrassing oversight on my part.

I had turned V-Sync on in the Vizard settings and presumed that the graphics card settings would be overridden. However, this was not the case and the GPU V-Sync settings was set to ALWAYS OFF. I turned it on here and everything runs smoothly.

Wanted to post the solution in case anyone else hadn't thought of checking the GPU hard settings, like me.

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