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royb 08-30-2012 06:17 AM

Manual/tutorial for new users? + a question
Hi, I recently started working with Vizard and the PPT. I fugired out how to work with Vizard from its very useful tutorial. Is there a similar tutorial/manual for the PPT software?
Specifically, it shows (after previously working fine) that only one of the cameras is active. Any idea what can cause it? How do I change it?
Thanks a lot,

vizstan 08-30-2012 10:04 AM

Hi Roy,

PPT Manual

For.chm format:
In PPT Studio window, please go to the top menu Help -> Help

For .pdf format:
Go to the installation folder (default: C:\Program Files (x86)\WorldViz\PPTStudio33) and select ppt.pdf

In the "Cameras" panel (right hand side of the PPT Studio window), if you see the correct number of sub camera window shown but appears in white, you can simply right click on the particular windows and select "Active" to activate the cameras.
If you do not see the correct number of sub camera window shown (more likely to be PPT-E cameras), it is more likely that the cameras did not aquire their IP address from the DHCP server so the PPT could not detect it. In this case, you can simply open the DHCP server first (C:\Program Files (x86)\WorldViz\PPTStudio33\DHCP Server\Run-DHCP-Server.bat) and then power cycle the cameras (unplug the ethernet cable and plug it back in). It takes about 30 second or more to reboot the cameras and you will then see the DHCP winodws shown the IPs that are assigned to the cameras you just restart. At the last, restart the PPT Studio and make sure you have the correct camera plug-in (bottom left corner) seleted.

For more information, please refer to the "Hardware Installation" section of the PPT Manual.


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