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Vkathrynr 08-25-2009 03:17 PM

trouble tracking multiple lights

We seem to be having trouble tracking multiple lights. The system tracks 1 light just fine (and it doesn't seem to matter which light we use). But, when we add a second light, it alternates between which light it is tracking randomly (only tracking 1 successfully at a time, poor visibility of the other light).

Any ideas?


mjabon 08-25-2009 10:09 PM

Let me clairfy a little too. Each light is working on its own (so it is not batteries or the light itself). Also, when we add the two lights to the room both are in complete view of the cameras and you see a little 1 and a little 2 on the ppt 3-D screen. However, the little green/red boxes for the two markers are colored 1 green and one red. We can never get the both green at the same time even when both lights are completely in view.

Also, we had the system working just last week and are unsure why now it does not. Could a setting have changed?

mjabon 08-26-2009 12:07 PM

Also, we only get a frame rate of 42 fps

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