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blessonisaac 12-02-2010 08:57 AM

Intersense connection
Dear administrator,

I tried to connect two intersenses IS-900 series. One is with shutter glass and other one is wand. I am able to connect with the shutter glass intersense but not with the wand. I used the following scripts. Again when the intersense(shutter glass) is enabled the scene rotates automatically. How do I stop the rotation? I am using wireless but NOT COM1 and COM2.

import viz
isense = viz.add('intersense.dls')

tracker1 = isense.addTracker(port=1)
tracker2 = isense.addTracker(port=2)

# I tried the scripts upto here first. Then I added the following also

station1 = isense.addTracker(port=1,station=1)
station2 = isense.addTracker(port=1,station=2)

The out put looks like:
** Loading intersense
************************************************** ****************************
intersense.dls Intersense Driver v4.0.4
**Connected to Intersense device on port 1
Type: IS Precision Series
Model: IS-900 Series

Station State Time Cube Enhancement
1 ON ON 1 2 3 0
2 ON ON 2 2 3 0
3 OFF OFF None 2 3 2
4 OFF OFF None 2 3 2
5 OFF OFF None 2 3 2
6 OFF OFF None 2 3 2
7 OFF OFF None 2 3 2
8 OFF OFF None 2 3 2

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 11, in ?
File "intersense", line 7, in ?
tracker1 = isense.addTracker(port=1)
AttributeError: 'VizIntersense' object has no attribute 'addTracker'
** Load Time: 2.50 seconds
InterSense Library ver. 4.04 32-bit
Copyright 1998-2007 InterSense Inc.
Tel: 781-541-6330

Looking for InterSense tracking device number 1.
Please wait .

IS-900 Series device detected on port 1, 115200 Baud
Firmware Version: 4.2601

blessonisaac 12-06-2010 08:28 AM

Mr. Jeff,

If you have time , please answer my question.


Jeff 12-06-2010 05:13 PM

Try using intersense.dle. The reference page in the Vizard help gives all the commands available for this plug-in. The following code connects to 2 stations of an IS-900 on COM1:

isense = viz.add('intersense.dle')

station1 = isense.addTracker(port=1,station=1)
station2 = isense.addTracker(port=1,station=2)

It sounds like you may have intererence in the room if the orientation is changing without moving the sensor.

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