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Trever.R 06-08-2015 09:57 AM

Shadow Map Bakes with vizfx.addchild
Hello, recently I worked out how to get normal maps and specular maps to work properly in vizard by adding assets through the vizfx.addchild command. However by using that, it seems to not be able to take the shadow map bakes that I have created. Whenever I try to export a file with a bake on it, the baked map ends up tiled all over the object. Does anyone have any idea how to go about this, or is it not possible to use baked maps with vizfx?

Jeff 06-08-2015 10:30 AM

If you're using the shader workflow, the light map should be placed in the Ambient color slot rather than the Self-Illumination slot.

Trever.R 06-09-2015 08:33 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I tried putting the map into the ambient color slot, and the results are way too bright (see attached image). Any idea whats causing that? I didn't have any lights coded in when I ran it so it can't be that.

Trever.R 06-09-2015 08:47 AM

1 Attachment(s)
And here is the light map I generated. Its generated as a tga, I just screenshoted it here because tga isnt supported on the forums.

Veleno 06-09-2015 10:35 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi Trever,

What's going on here is that your lightmap is currently overexposed. In the the shader 50% brightness is treated as the neutral exposure value, so anything lighter will be brighter than the original texture and anything darker will darken it. This allows for the scene to represent areas of intense light, which is impossible when only darkening the scene.

This is similar to using the "Self-Illumination Scale: 2x" export option that could be used with the old workflow.

The solution here is to adjust the exposure and re-render your lightmaps so everything you want to have a neutral exposure has a brightness of 50%. You final lightmap should look something like the attached image.

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