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sled 07-28-2003 09:52 AM

problem in viz2.0
1 Attachment(s)
I tried your viz2.0 and have lots of fun, especially when I find that you add the collision event and dynamically loading 3d object in callback function, that's great:)

and when I add a vrml 2.0 file, there 's a small problem, for example, the attached file "trafficlight.wrl", it looks properly in your old version, but in your new version, it does not.

sled 07-28-2003 10:45 AM

and how can I delete the 3d object in resources window

tobin 07-30-2003 01:39 AM

Re: problem in viz2.0

Originally posted by sled
I tried your viz2.0 and have lots of fun, especially when I find that you add the collision event and dynamically loading 3d object in callback function, that's great:)

and when I add a vrml 2.0 file, there 's a small problem, for example, the attached file "trafficlight.wrl", it looks properly in your old version, but in your new version, it does not.

Glad you're enjoying the new interface.

Yes, we have already noted in the "known bugs" that the VRML loader mishandles surface normals. It causes problems in objects that are lighted. It will be rectified with the final 2.0x release.

tobin 07-30-2003 01:41 AM


Originally posted by sled
and how can I delete the 3d object in resources window
Currently you must hi-lite the to-be-deleted object and the press the key; you cannot delete directly off the list view. This functionality will be expanded in the final 2.0x release.

sled 07-30-2003 11:07 AM

thanks a lot, and when I use the viz2.0 at home, it shows the error message as following:
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid enumerant' after applying GLMode 32826
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid enumerant' after applying GLMode 32826
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid enumerant' after applying GLMode 32826
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid enumerant' after applying GLMode 32826
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid enumerant' after applying GLMode 32826

when I run old verson, it's ok.

tobin 07-31-2003 02:03 AM

That error message indicates that a hardware accelerated call is not being supported by that graphics hardware. It's a message of no particular consequence and will be suppressed in the next release. Just ignore it.

farshizzo 08-04-2003 01:46 PM


The problem with your trafficlight file has been corrected. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.

sled 08-12-2003 11:26 AM

I tried the vizard2.07, the traffic light still showed weird:(

farshizzo 08-12-2003 11:36 AM


Just to be clear, what is the problem you're getting? When I loaded it I noticed that one of the pieces was facing the wrong direction. That should have been fixed. Version 2.08 was released this morning, so you might want to try that. By the way, thanks for posting your plugin on the forum!

sled 08-12-2003 06:05 PM

yes , only the direction problem, I will download viz208 tomorrow, maybe it 's already fixed.

and I hope my plug-in code can help somebody else.

sled 08-13-2003 01:22 PM

yes, the problem is fixed in viz208, thanks.

FlyingWren 08-13-2003 01:42 PM

Miscellaneous observations
Viz 2.08 has the following characteristics that I didn't see in v2.07:

When viewing a scene, it gets a case of the 'jerkies': ie, it will render smoothly for a second or two, then render jerkily for another 2 sec or so, then go back to being OK again, and so on.

Running the same scene on the still-installed v1.098, there are no such hiccupts. I tried this on two winXP computers here, with similar results.

Opening up the Windows Task Manager to observe the CPU usage indicates that v2.08 is using less CPU than v1.098 (~20% versus ~40-50%). Changing the application's priority to something about Normal doesn't seem to help.

The frame rate indicator naturally indicates a drop of FPS in v2.08, both during the hiccups (big loss) and otherwise (less dramatic loss). In v2.07, I was getting as many FPS as the monitors could retrace.

Also, the installer did not put a 'Vizard' executable shortcut in the start menu, when I installed it (I see 'Tutorials' and 'World Demos' folders, as well as 'Help," but not the executable icon). I started vizard though navigating to Vizard20's /bin/ directory, if that matters.

farshizzo 08-13-2003 02:31 PM


Thanks a lot for the detailed description! I noticed the jerkiness also and I believe it has been fixed. Also, I fixed the installer so that the shortcut is placed in the start menu. I actually uploaded the latest installer this morning, so you might want to try it out. Thanks again for bringing all this to our attention.

FlyingWren 08-17-2003 10:55 PM

Do translation/scale/rotation functions work on node3d objects that are acquired from viz.getchild()? I have them in my code, and they do not generate a script or runtime error, but the object just doesn't do what it is supposed to. (Also, I can get the functions to work just fine on objects acquired from viz.add.)

I know it's not the acquisition of the object that's causing me problems, because I can successfully disable lighting on an object I retrieve from viz.getchild().

Just curious if anyone else has this behavior, or whether I should go back and look for bugs/typos in my script again.

farshizzo 08-18-2003 10:10 AM


The returned object from the viz.getchild() command should work like any other object. My guess is that Vizard is not finding the object. To make sure perform the following command after you get the child:


child = object.getchild()
print 'Child id is',

If the child id is -1 then vizard failed get the child. Look at the console window for the output, not the interactive window. Let me know if this helps.

FlyingWren 08-21-2003 12:31 PM

I tried what you said. As you suspected, the pointer to the sub-object was invalid.

Anyway, I think I've found out the issue: the sub-object in the file that I was trying to access was named:
obj PitCover

I tried changing the object names from within my 3d-modeling program so they contained no spaces. In other words, I internally renamed the object to be:

Afterwards, accessing the sub-objects by the new names was successful, and the transformation functions work too.

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