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Dbuckland 04-07-2006 12:24 PM

White Fullscreen crash when running network version
When we run a script using viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN) the monitor goes all white and the code doesn't run. This is only occuring on Network versions of Vizard. When we run the same code on Development versions the fullscreen works fine, and when we run the code using viz.go() on the network versions it works as well. Have you seen this before?
All computers are using 2.53g and the liscence server is the latest one.


farshizzo 04-10-2006 10:42 AM


What happens if you start out using viz.go() and then go into fullscreen afterwards by pressing F2? Also, does the same machine that exhibits this problem in networked version, not exhibit it in the development version? Or did you test it out on separate machines? The reason I ask is that it might be a coincidence due to the machine not having the correct graphics driver installed.

Dbuckland 04-10-2006 03:48 PM

viz.go() and then F2 works, but viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN) and viz.go(viz.PROMPT) then selecting fullscreen does not.
After it goes white and gets restarted, no viz.go() programs run at all until the computer is rebooted.

farshizzo 04-11-2006 10:25 AM


I'll look into this. In the meantime try using the following code after you call viz.go() to go into fullscreen.


Dbuckland 04-12-2006 01:40 PM

That works for now, thanks.

Dbuckland 04-19-2006 02:34 PM

In a related matter, is there a similar way to do that when the HMD/Stereo command is used?

farshizzo 04-19-2006 02:49 PM


Try the following:


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