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sleiN13 06-23-2011 02:08 AM

Emagin Z800
The Emagin Z800 headtracking doesn't work in Vizard 4, it produces the following error message in vizard:

emagin.dls eMagin v2.0
** ERROR: Could not connect to eMagin device. Error: 80004005

When I run the same code on the same machine with Vizard 3 it works fine. I've tested it by switching back and forth between the two versions with the same results everytime.

Is there a section where you can report bugs for Vizard 4?

farshizzo 06-23-2011 10:27 AM

Nothing has changed with the eMagin plugin between version 3 and 4. I just tested it out here and it works fine. Make sure no other application is connected to the eMagin before running the Vizard script.

sleiN13 06-24-2011 12:29 AM

The Vizard 3 version of the plugin is 13K and the version 4 15K so they do differ a bit at my end. Could the emagin plugin be corrupted in the latest vizard download? I've tried the HMD on two different computers but with the same Vizard 4 version.

There are no other connected devices besides a mouse and keyboard on both systems. It also is strange that vizard 3 doesn't seem to have a problem with it and Vizard 4 if started a very short time after the world of vizard 3 closes does have a problem with the tracker. (I also tried longer waiting periods to ensure the resources for the tracker were released by the Vizard 3 version of the world.)

Is there a other way to trace/debug the problem besides the very cryptic error message?

I'm using 32-bit version of Windows 7

sleiN13 06-24-2011 08:52 AM

Could it also depends on the version of the Z800 glasses? There are slight differences in the operation of the glasses with different firmware versions.

farshizzo 06-28-2011 08:49 AM

I tested with the latest drivers available on the eMagin website. I don't know what the error code means and it's not listed as one of the standard error codes in the eMagin documentation. You might need to contact them to find out exactly what that error code means.

Neo 08-26-2011 11:53 AM

Hi all,

I am looking to purchase used Z800 3Dvisor. I've been looking around the web and it is quite hard to get a hold of a pair. If you have anywhere I could look also.

I know this post is somewhat unrelated to the main topic, but it is the only recent thread about Z800 I found so far.


halabi 12-29-2011 04:20 AM

I'm having the same problem where I can't connect to emagin? how the problem has been solved?
using vizard 4.o on windows 7, the following errors:
error: could not connect to emagin device. Error: 8000400
error: Link failed (source linkable is invalid)

mousa 01-05-2012 04:28 AM

i wrote a dls for Emagin Z800.every things work fine but Sleep()(Emagin Z800 SDK) did not work.anybody can help me to solve this?thank's.

mousa 01-07-2012 06:47 AM

do you implement all Emagin Z800 SDK's functions in eMagin plugin(emagin.dls)?like alive(),sleep(),brightness()...

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