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dcnieho 03-20-2013 07:15 PM

glViewport-like operation on mainwindow/mainview
Dear all,

We have a graphics card that does not support spanning over two screens, but supports spanning over three monitors. So simple setup of our HMD is a bit of an issue.

I think we have the following choices to solve this issue:
(1) monoscopic rendering,
(2) side-by-side mode of the zSight HMD leading to half the horizontal resolution,
(3) borrowing a dual head 2go box with the disadvantage that wireless use of the HMD (a sensics zSight) is not possible or
(4) span over three screens and adjust the viewport so that it is rendering only on the two HMD screens.

In my opinion the last solution is the best one for now.

I have searched the Vizard API, but don't see anything that allows me to set the viewport akin a glViewport call, how do I do this?

Thank you!

farshizzo 03-21-2013 09:29 AM

You can use the viz.MainWindow.setSize() command to adjust the size of the main viewport. For example, the following code will set the viewport to span half the width of the output window:


dcnieho 03-24-2013 08:53 PM

Thank you, that works. However, I wanted to specify the viewport in pixels directly, and I found an error in the manual.

The callsyntax of the setSize function is either setSize([width,height]), or setSize(width,height,flag), not setSize([width,height],flag).

Took me a while to figure that out, didn't expect the doc to be wrong. All works now.


performlabrit 10-29-2013 05:55 AM

Same issue
This is likely a very common issue. I'm taking the approach of using a triple head to go box. It's not ideal, for the reason that I am trying to get system latency as low as possible, and I'm not sure how it may contribute.

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