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disbeat 03-12-2012 09:20 AM

Error after vizard 4 installation

After installing vizard I've tried to run the following code:

import viz

but I get a blank image with the following error on the command line:

Warning:: Mipmapped osg::Image not a power of two, cannot apply to texture.

I've been using vizard for a long time and nothing like this ever hapened. May be an error with your latest build?

Best regards,

Marco Simões

farshizzo 03-12-2012 12:07 PM

Are you using the dojo model that comes with Vizard? It sounds like a texture in the model might be exceeding the maximum supported texture size of your graphics card. The largest texture in that model should by 2048x2048. Most cards these days should support that. What graphics card does the machine have and are the drivers up to date?

disbeat 03-12-2012 12:33 PM

It was the graphic card drivers.

Thanks for the help!

-- Marco

frdarya 05-07-2016 08:44 AM

similar issue
Hi, I might be a little late for the party but - how did you manage to solve this issue?
I'm using

Jeff 05-07-2016 11:20 PM

If you're getting the same error running the same example script, it's probably due to the graphics card or drivers.

leviz1 08-20-2016 08:12 AM

Same error in vizard 5
Guess i'm also a little late to this thread but I have the same problem
Assuming the issue is indeed with the graphics card or drivers,
What can I do to resolve it?

Thank you,

Jeff 08-20-2016 11:03 PM

You could try updating the graphics drivers. What kind of graphics card does the machine have?

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