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pitbool 06-09-2017 01:13 PM

github commit directly from vizard script

In our work, we want to be able to commit to a github repo the updates to our data file(s), as and when that happens, while the vizard script is running for our study.

We explored running a separate windows powershell script, which will monitor changes to data files, and also commit to the github repo. But it increases the overhead for our study coordinator.

To keep things more organized and clean, it would be better to be able to integrate that powershell script within our vizard script, so that we can monitor and commit the changes to our datafile(s) directly to github from the vizard script itself.

We searched on vizard forum but couldn't find any prior work along these lines. Any pointers or advice on how to achieve this?


pitbool 06-09-2017 02:52 PM


A quick update: google searches revealed some ways to invoke a powershell script from python script (,, which we are going to try - will update here what we find, if we get a solution.


Vaquero 07-26-2017 11:12 AM

I don't know which features of the Vizard IDE you are using. Anyway, I did setup PyCharm to start my scripts in Vizard and I can use its git integration.
I even set up its python external documentation to search for a vizard command in the documentation, if I need to. I just don't know how to setup debugging.

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