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Renato Lima 03-30-2011 02:26 PM

Mouse bug in V3 and V4
So, if you are getting the mouse state it returns 1, 2, 5.. etc.. .. and it works well, but if you hold your mouse button down and move the mouse away from the window - or if another window gets in the way of the mouse - vizard won't detect that the mouse state has changed and will keep reporting 1, 2, 5, whatever.. until you click with the mouse again in the program.

1) create an event to report the mouse state every 2 seconds.
2) click on the screen and move the mouse away from vizard's windoe
3) release the mouse

--> vizard will still report the mouse as having buttons pressed.

farshizzo 03-30-2011 02:37 PM

This issue should be resolved in R4. I just tried the following script and the mouse state is properly updated when the button is released outside the window:

import viz
import vizact

def PrintMouseState():
        print viz.mouse.getState()


Are you able to reproduce the issue with this script in R4?

Renato Lima 05-11-2011 06:38 PM

Now the mouse state is being correctly updated, HOWEVER, if you do a viz.mouse(viz.OFF) hold down let and right mouse buttons and then viz.mouse(viz.ON), it will still think the mouse buttons are down.

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