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baf1 03-01-2005 08:45 AM

problem with joystick data and input dialog box
So i have this timer function that gets my position data from a joystick in order to move an object around the screen, but when i have an input dialop box appear, the timer function stops collecting the joystick data. the even odder part of this bug is that on my more complicated script with 2 joysticks only one of the joysticks stops working, which is the one i used sid.get() on not the other one i added. does anyoen knwo whats up with that?:confused:

farshizzo 03-01-2005 10:20 AM

Are you using Vizards builtin input dialog box? If so, this will cause the simulation to come to a halt until the dialog box goes away.

baf1 03-01-2005 11:42 AM

yes i am using the built in dialog box, but even after it goes away it does not collect anymore data from the joystick. moreover, i have one script running with 2 joysticks, one of them i just used sid.get and for the other i used sid.add to add the other joystick. once the dialog box went away, the sid.add joystick was functioning properly, but i couldnt get any information from the sid.get joystick. i tried to see what was up with this but writing a simpler script where i only used one joystick with sid.get and here its also stop collecting data once the dialog box went away.

farshizzo 03-02-2005 12:27 PM

Try importing the sid library after you call viz.go(). Example:

import sid

baf1 03-03-2005 08:00 AM

Thanks a lot that seemed to work.

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