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eponymous 11-22-2005 09:20 AM

PPT will not track more than one LED

I am a graduate student trying to make a project work with PPT. Our setup has two cameras and the software is version 1.23. When the software is set to use one light, everything works great - the num_lights light turns green, and the tracking info is returned to clients. However, when I change num_lights to two, it doesn't work. The num_lights light stays red and no tracking information is returned about the second light.

In addition, I cannot increase the number of lights past two - though it looks as though I should be able to track four. The people here don't seem to know how to fix it, so I am throwing myself on the mercy of the message board. Do I need a software upgrade? Thanks!

mspusch 11-22-2005 11:12 AM

It sounds like there might be something wrong with your system settings in the first place, and also we should definitely upgrade your PPT to the latest version. Could you please email me directly at, so I know which installation this is and can get in touch about the upgrade?

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