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Vinicius Lima 03-01-2008 04:17 PM

Peripherals compatible with Vizard
Good morning,

I was researching VR peripherals and I came across this new Philips WOW 3D Displays and I was wondering if this equipment is compatible with Vizard. Also, do any of you happen to knoe whether the quality of the projection is the equivalent to a standard projection with shutter glasses or any better?

I would also like to ask about the 3D Monitor. In what ways is it different from the shutter glasses and what the advantages of it are when compared to the glasses in regards to stereoscopic projection.

Thank you very much,


mspusch 03-03-2008 05:11 AM

the philipps WOW 3d display is fully supported from Vizard, its plug and play. it looks 'stereo' out of a certain perspective, as it sends left/right eye info into different directions, so both your eyes get a different image.

3D displays which don't require 3D glasses (so called autostereoscopic displays) always have the drawback that they only work out of a certain perspective. when you move your head, the stereo will fall apart (both eyes see the same) or you see inverted stereo (left eye sees what right eye is supposed to see and vice versa).
next to that, such displays tend to have a certain amount of 'crosstalk' which means that even under optimal conditions (i.e. your eyes at the 'ideal' position) your left eye get's some percentage of the right eye's image and vice versa. this makes it 'harder' to look into such displays for a long time and causes headache after a few hours if you really have to work on such a display.

there are some autostereoscopic displays which are optimized for very low cross talk (i.e. are better for working in front of them for a couple hours) but those have stronger artifacts when your eyes move out of the sweet spot (i.e. black lines or circles).

such 'low crosstalk' displays can be combined with eye tracking and electronic or mechanic pixel shift technologies, and then the sweet spot 'follows' the eye and you will have indeed 'real' stereo perception for ONE person in front of such an eye tracked display in a certain area. Formerly ACD Kern (now purchased by Richardson Electronics) offers such a high end display for some $ 50,000.

so bottom line, autostereoscopic displays are certainly a very interesting technology (for example for marketing displays, shows, etc.) but come with a bunch of trade-offs which make them different from systems with shutter glasses or HMDs which provide 'real' tracked and zero-crosstalk stereo if used correctly.

hope that helps,


Vinicius Lima 03-03-2008 09:31 AM

Thank you for your reply Matthias.

Do you happen to know how many people can be looking at the Philips Wow display and get a 3d projection at the same time? We are thinking about using it for presenting our environments for groups and we need to know that before we move on towards it.



mspusch 03-05-2008 10:44 AM

RE WOW display, the people should be at or around the sweet spot. there is one version of the WOW where the sweet spot is 5m away, and one with the sweet spot 3m away.
so my estimate would be that you can fit about 10-15 people into the sweet spot area at one time.

RE stereo projection, everybody who wears active shutter glasses will get stereo.
you can fit a couple 100 people if you projection screen is large enough (IMAX theater style).

In both cases, stereo will ONLY be geometrically accurate to ONE person out of the whole crowd, namely the one which is axactly at the sweet spot. all others will see a slightly distorted image (barely noticably in the middle, more noticable at the sides of the screens).

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