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atamasan 01-19-2010 07:30 PM

Camare control question(about separated eye view)
Hello. I have a simple question.
I am using emagin HMD (z800), and I have a question about camera control.

A Polhemus sensor is placed on the HMD. Datas from the sensor is used for viz.MainView.
But for some reasons, I use only POS datas.


In my code, to adjust the orientation difference between HMD and viz.MainView, users use keyboard(arrow keys) to rotate MainView. I define it as a initialization.

In my code, both left eye cam and right eye cam are controlled at the same time.
I know that separated view is rendered for both eyes because I use viz.HMD.
Is it possible to control viz.MainView (eye camera?) separately?

I have a problem about user's dominant eye. Tha't why I asked camera control.

Thank you for reading and sorry for my English as always.

Jeff 01-20-2010 10:44 AM

Take a look at the following thread.

There is some code there that shows how to set up different viewpoints for each eye.

atamasan 01-20-2010 04:33 PM

Hi, Jeff.

Thank you for reply and the link.
I think it will really help me. Different viewpoints is important for my study.

Thank you again.

atamasan 01-28-2010 06:22 PM

Sorry I've got another question.
As I wrote before, I'm using a HMD(z800, emagin, see-through type).

To get a match between the real transmitter and the cube I created, I have made a method and it is 80% complete now.
Now, a problem appears when I see the transmitter(through HMD) and the cube. If I close my left eye both boxes are almost match(80 or 90 %).
Then I open my left eye and close my right eye, boxes are not match(the cube moves some centimeters left from the transmotter). I think it is because of binocular parallax?

I thought ipd is reason for that. So I changed ipd like this.
But nothing changed. I know I should use viz.HMD to get a stereoscopic view.
In this case, how can I addjust/set the binocular parallax?

I am sorry for my basic questions for many times.
Thank you.

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