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vijaykiran 10-19-2009 10:33 AM

Near and far clipping on infinite terrain

The near and far clipping plane values in the infinite terrain plug-in overrides any clip values set at the begin of the scripts. This makes objects to get chopped off at weird view locations.

Is it possible to set the clipping values so it is applicable to the infinite terrain as well?

Here is a piece of relevant code:


myWindow = viz.MainWindow
myWindow.clip(0.01, 10000, viz.BOTH_EYE)

When printed, the near and far clip values return 0.0097 and 10200, which is acceptable.

When the following code is added:

terrain = viz.add('InfiniteTerrain.dlc',1,'456',7,6,15000,0.0005)

The clip values now returned are: (0.1, 100000)


farshizzo 10-23-2009 04:29 PM

Can you post the entire script you are using to test this out? When I manually specify the clip values, I get the same values back with or without the terrain object.

gdlssim 01-21-2011 04:59 AM

Near Clipping Plane with big terrain
I have the same issue. When I use a terrain file I am seeing the near clipping plane set to a value that clips geometry for a meter or so near the viewer this is not good. I tried similar methods to set the clipping plane but didn't get good results. Without the terrain the application runs fine with no near clipping plane issue.


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