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sado_rabaudi 04-30-2020 02:26 PM

Remote research
Just curious if any Vizard researchers are able to continue their research remotely in the current situation? If so, what are some of the ways you are doing that? Here’s a video of our recent webinar discussing some remote collaboration ideas and options for VR. Please post here if there are specific challenges you are facing as well as we may have a solution that will work for you.

hannahapz 12-01-2020 09:50 AM

Currently trying to figure out how to deploy a remote experiment without the participant actually needing to install Vizard? Is there any way of doing that? Like let's say using my Vizard application, but from their computer?

sado_rabaudi 12-03-2020 12:22 PM

Hi Hannah,

I responded to this on our website chat, but will post here as well in case others need to see. You can publish as an exe or .zip, which the participant can use without having to install Vizard. In regards to your question on .dwg, that is not a format that we publish to, just the .exe and .zip format.


hannahapz 01-13-2021 01:37 PM


Thanks for the answer. I managed to get it working, but am having some major issues with the participant writing to an output file. If I tell the executable to create an empty output file, it fails to do so. What am i missing here? Sorry for all this bother - I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

hannahapz 01-21-2021 05:57 AM

Reply from Sado through email:

You need to use this line of code in your script and then publish again:

filename = viz.res.getPublishedPath('output.txt')

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