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samzebrado 06-29-2020 06:01 AM

Fov while using STEREO_HORZ in cave
Hi all,
I'm using a cave from Vistandard. In the current settings, it puts left view on the right half of the screen and vice versa for right view. When I turn on the stereo mode of the projector, the left view and right view will be put together (horizontally extended).
So I need to use viz.STEREO_HORZ as the vizard stereo mode and swap the right and left view to make it work correctly with shutter glasses.
My question is:
The vizcave makes use of the input wall size to compute what an observer should see. eg. if fov is 90 deg for a 3 meter wall in real world and I input 3 meter as the wall width to vizard, the fov used in computing a display on that wall should be 90 deg.
But what will happen if I use viz.STEREO_HORZ as the vizard stereo mode, will each monocular still be set with fov==90 deg or it will be set with fov==45 deg?
I'm trying to compare the visibility range of world under different vizard stereo mode and will update later on this topic.

samzebrado 06-29-2020 07:05 AM

I've tested results using STEREO_HORZ and None and INTERLACE_HORZ in my cave script. The visible range were similar, so the wall size of vizcave is will be considered fully used by each monocular view.
Hope this post won't be too boring:)

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