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mhtong 02-27-2014 11:57 AM

Turning off rendering
This may seem an odd request, but is there a way to have Vizard run its main loop without actually opening up a display or rendering anything? I was hoping there'd be a flag in viz.go() to do this, but it doesn't appear to be the case.

I have an environment coded up and I'd like an AI agent to be able to train in it. I could duplicate much of the code for the environment, but what would be easiest since I want the environment to be acting the same as normal would be to simply disable rendering and allow everything to work internally as if it were running as normal (but much faster).

farshizzo 02-27-2014 12:02 PM

You can use the following code to show/hide the main graphics window:

# Hide Window
viz.setOption('viz.window.visible', 0)

# Show Window
viz.setOption('viz.window.visible', 1)

You will probably also want to disable rendering as well:


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