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sleiN13 12-05-2011 04:13 AM

SLI and Vizard
Does vizard frame rates improve if an SLI setup of two separate video cards is used?

I'm going to use two video carts in the system because one needs to run a interface and on the other a HDM with two connectors is connected. Nvidia doesn't have anything like eye-finity as far as I know therefore this solution. If Vizard performance benefits of a SLI setup I'm gone use a hight end consumer card else I will just use the cheapest one.

farshizzo 12-05-2011 03:44 PM

It depends what the bottleneck of your script is. If the GPU is the bottleneck, then SLI can get you higher frame rates. However, if the CPU is your bottleneck, then SLI won't provide much benefits.

sleiN13 12-06-2011 12:08 AM

I suspect that the graphics use up most of the time especially when using 3d stereo because of the dual rendering.

I've been analysing the program using the F4 value's Cull, Draw and GPU seem to use as much or more time than update. While I've got a idea what cull and draw do I'm not sure about GPU and it's that one that sometimes jumps upwards to 30 or more. Would all these three factors benefit from SLI? and what exactly does the GPU factor say, and can you optimize the scene for it?

farshizzo 12-07-2011 09:11 AM

If the GPU time is very high then SLI should provide some benefits in most cases.

Seadna 10-19-2016 03:04 PM

Is this still true? We are looking a huge scenes with millions of faces and I need to throw as much gpu power at them as is possible. Will SLI do this? GPU is bottleneck.

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