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Jose 05-16-2013 01:03 PM

Playing a video on a object that is moving.

Some background to understand my problem.

In my code I have a car that you can drive with the keyboard.

I added a plane (geometric plane, not an airplane) in front of the car. I have a parent relationship between the plane and the car. So that the plane moves with the car.

Then I want to project a video in the plane that is in front of the car. So I apply the video with a texture (myScreen.texture(LCVideo))

I get this error message:

** ERROR: Failed to construct graph (Pins cannot connect due to not supporting the same transport.)
** ERROR: Failed to load video: 'LandoltCTest.avi'

I'm able to play the video on another code so its not the video.

Below is the part of the code of interest:

LCVideo = viz.addVideo( 'LandoltCTest.avi' )
myScreen = vizshape.addPlane( size=(0.5,0.5),axis=vizshape.AXIS_Y,cullFace=True)

Thank you of any help that can be given here. This is my first post.

Jeff 05-17-2013 03:01 PM

The code you posted looks fine. Was the other code that loaded the video running on a different machine?

Jose 05-20-2013 07:21 PM

It was the same machine, same video for both codes.

Jeff 05-21-2013 01:42 PM

Can you attach or upload a simple script with the video that reproduces the issue?

Jose 05-22-2013 11:23 AM

Here are the files. (

The file is the one to run. The code posted in the first post is from line 257 to 270.

The code where the video work is


lee.cofer 01-29-2015 08:52 AM

Has this problem been resolved?

I am getting the same error when I try to use .addvideo, as the original poster did.

It does work when I run it in Vizard4, but when I run it in Vizard5 it throws the error.

Any thoughts?

farshizzo 01-29-2015 08:57 AM

Are you running the 64-bit version of Vizard 5?

lee.cofer 01-29-2015 01:02 PM

Yes, its the 64 bit version.

farshizzo 01-29-2015 01:22 PM

Do you have the 64-bit version of any necessary video codecs installed on your system?

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