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lklab 01-07-2016 09:35 AM

Oculus Rift - Start with same viewpoint
Currently when running my program the viewpoint is dependent on the initial position of the oculus and it is very difficult to get it perfectly leveled. How can I get it so that the starting position is the same each time it is run? So that each participant views the exact same thing?

Thank you!

Jeff 01-10-2016 10:26 PM

If you're using vizconnect then you can set a vizconnect viewpoint. See this thread for example code.

lklab 01-11-2016 12:27 PM

thanks! that is what i was looking for. What version of vizard do i need to run it on? It works on the computer where I have the vizard 5 trial. The other one only has version 4 and gives me an error that the vizconnect module is not found.

(if I update, is 5 backwards compatible?)

Jeff 01-12-2016 01:55 AM

Vizconnect requires Vizard 5. Most Vizard 4 code will run fine in Vizard 5. The Vizard 5 upgrade guide describes major changes between 4 and 5 that could affect scripts.

lklab 01-13-2016 09:17 AM

umm this works great but how do i remove the weird glove thing?

is there a way to achieve the same effect in vizard 4?

lklab 01-13-2016 10:34 AM

basically what I want to do is to just reset the yaw and keep the others constant

Jeff 01-14-2016 08:05 AM

To remove the glove:

Go to the vizconnect advanced configuration
Go to the avatars tab
Press the settings button and uncheck the box for right hand

It sounds like you just need a heading reset. In vizconnect, go to the trackers tab and press the Mappings button. Map an input signal to the resetHeading function. See the resets tech tip for more information.

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