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theuberk 02-20-2008 09:17 AM

Flock of Birds with 2 ERTs
I was looking around on the ascension website and noticed that there was a part that said that using two Extended Range Transmitters "Requires customer software modifications to implement." What type of modifications are necessary? Does Vizard natively support using two ERTs, or will I have to implement my own code to handle this? Will using two ERTs effectively double my motion tracking area?

farshizzo 02-20-2008 10:12 AM

We have never used 2 ERTs with Vizard. Does Ascension have any specific instructions on how to modify your code to handle 2 ERTs. You will need to ask Ascension what the benefit of 2 ERTs is, but if you can get some code samples from them then I can see about modifying our plugin to support it.

theuberk 02-25-2008 11:21 AM

It turns out that the two ERTs do not work in parallel. You have to switch between the two to use them both and they both have separate coordinate systems. Switching takes approximately 0.5 seconds, which is too slow for my data collection needs (60hz). I don't think it's meant to really expand the range of motion tracking, but rather to have two seperate scenarios set up at the same time.

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