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sleiN13 03-16-2012 02:42 AM

AMD graphics hardware seems not to preload object
I've got a problem with AMD graphic cards that doesn't show up on Nvidia hardware.

When I load a world containing multiple models they vizard option preload should cause all object to be loaded in the graphics ram, but looking around the world will cause a distinct stutter when ever a new object gets in view for the first time. After an object has been in view the stutter will not reoccur any more. I've seen this problem on different AMD grahic card models so it's not likely linkend to a particular model.

Nvidia hardware doesn't show this problem but will not produce a fluent moving image with object far away. These object far away seem to shake slightly while the framerates are around 60 fps. This problem with NVidia and the need for the eyefinity feature of AMD makes it that I need/want to use AMD graphics card but I need a solution for the initial stutters/loading problems.

farshizzo 03-19-2012 12:08 PM

The preload option will tell Vizard to pass the texture/geometry data to the OpenGL driver. It sounds like the AMD drivers are being too smart and not actually sending that data to the graphics card until it is actually rendered for the first time.

Not sure how difficult this would be to implement in your script, but one potential workaround could be to spin the viewpoint around for a second after the script loads.

Huib 03-20-2012 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by farshizzo (Post 13607)
Not sure how difficult this would be to implement in your script, but one potential workaround could be to spin the viewpoint around for a second after the script loads.

Which is exactly our workaround fix ;) Works quite well. :)

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