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Boerske 10-05-2009 07:43 AM

imported 3DModel - Color Write - Problem
Hi there,

I am quite new in developing 3D worlds.

few days ago I discovered the .Color_Write function in vizard which makes objects disappear but still interaction with my scene. So finally I could handle my goal, letting moving objects of my scene disappear behind a part of my background (a photorealistic 360° panorama).
As an example: There is a tree in my background and I want this tree occluding another moving object in my scene. Therefor I put a "dummy object" in front of this tree and use the "disable color_write function". The result will be that it seems that this tree is occluding the object but in reality the dummy object is doing the job.

So far so good. Everything works out fine as long as I use pre installed objects of vizard(e.g. wall.wrl).
But in the end I will need to use my own created "3d dummy objects" which will have excatly the contour of the background object.

I decided to creat these very simply dummy objects with blender.

My promblem is now that when I import these objects from blender the "Color_Write" function does not work any more. I think I messed up the 3DObject settings or something went wrong with the import process.

Is there somebody out there who can help me with that?
What do I have to take care of?
What settings does the 3D object need? (e.g. solid, mesh, texture,colour, other settings)
What is actually the best import format so that these characteristics do not get lost wile exporting them from blender and importing them into vizard?

Thx a lot for your help

farshizzo 10-08-2009 12:21 PM

Are you using node.disable(viz.COLOR_WRITE) to disable color write? This should work on any node3d object. Can you post a sample model or email it to

farshizzo 10-08-2009 02:46 PM

Your model seems to work fine for me. Here is the script I used to test it out:

import viz


model = viz.addChild('testtree.lwo')
model.drawOrder(-1) #Ensure model is rendered to depth buffer before other models

import vizcam
cam = vizcam.PivotNavigate()

Boerske 10-09-2009 07:38 AM

Cool it works now.
It was the "node.drawOrder(-1)" line what made the difference.
what does this exactly do? As a newbie I do not really understand why it is important that the model is rendered before others....
for the future - if i load more of these specific models do they all need this specific drawOrder function???

Anyway, thank you very much helping me at this problem.

farshizzo 10-09-2009 10:18 AM

The object you want to have occlude other objects must be rendered to the depth buffer first. The default draw order of objects is 0, so setting the draw order to -1 ensures it is rendered before other objects.

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